Add method to copy metadata from Info tag to ID3 tag within a Wav

Issue #84 resolved
IJabz repo owner created an issue

Add method to copy metadata from Info to ID3 within a Wav because when you write to an active tag it only modifes either the ID3tag or the InfoTag. Then if you use WavSavOption.SAVE_BOTH then both tags will be written to file but not synced.

It is not practible to write to both tags every time a method from the Tag impl is called, but we could have a method to synchronize that can be used before Save, and perhaps after Read. i.e might elect to always read ID3 tag (WavOptions,READ_ID3_ONLY) but if file doesn't have id3 tag then you might want to get the info tag and put into ID3 tag. Using WavOptions.READ_ID3_UNLESS_ONLY_INFO would allow reading of info but then the active tag would only be the Info tag preventing the writing of the majority of tags

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