Unable to correctly write new ID3chunk if existing corrupt chunk

Issue #93 resolved
IJabz repo owner created an issue

Its has corrupt ID3 chunks at end, can still play but shoud we report error when read and currenlty cant write a new ID3 chunk

Comments (5)

  1. IJabz reporter

    The problem is that the existing ID3chunk start location is one byte out so it cannot be read so we allow file to be opened but we finds no ID3tag, but then when try and write new tag it cant find existing tag so its writes to new tag to end of file but on a subsequent read it fails again on trying to read the corrupt tag so never gets to the newly added tag, so every time we try and save file we append another ID3 tag to the end of the file.

  2. IJabz reporter

    So actually if there is a corrupt chunk of any type then we will never be able to read any iD3chunk that we add. I think what we need to do is as long as the audio data itself is okay that we fix the corruption perhaps by writing to the end of the last valid chunk and deleting andy data after this.

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