Emails not sending as HTML

Issue #29 resolved
Andrew Palfrey created an issue

Removing MIME-Version, charset and X-Mailer appeared to fix this on an AWS EC2 instance running Windows Server 2016 (IIS 10). The WordPress install used is also using WP Mail SMTP.

The only headers still remaining when sending were From and Content-Type (set to text/html)

Are these other headers required? More testing will be required in different server environments as well as with & without the WP Mail SMTP Plugin

Comments (3)

  1. Jamin Xu

    Hi Andy, it has been fixed as suggested. I tested it with UCLan email and Hotmail, both was OK to display HTML emails. Would you try it on AWS EC2 and see if it is working fine?

  2. Andrew Palfrey reporter

    @Jamin Xu That’s just about the same as what we have on the EC2, that ones $headers_str .= "Content-type: text/html \r\n"; but the semi-colon should deal with that just fine. Marking as complete.

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