Toggle Reversers Keyboard Command INOP & Joystick Gizmo BUG

Issue #13 resolved
Former user created an issue


First off I want to thank you for an amazing modification of the P180 II. I am submitting this in hope its something I'm not doing correctly however I read the manual and forum and found no fix.

When I click the keyboard OR joystick button that "Toggle Thrust Reversers" the reversers does not activate when I push the throttles forward. IF I click and drag the throttles do in fact reverse BUT then its difficult to drag them back to IDLE.

On one flight the joystick position did not move the aircraft throttle levers and I would have to move the joystick throttle back and forth for the aircraft throttle to move forward which it does very slightly. Not sure if this is a Gizmo problem on my end or not.

Again thank you for your hard efforts towards making this aircraft flyable at a high standard.

My current fix is to use brakes only upon landing and to quit Xplane when the throttles do not respond to joystick.

Have an enjoyable day!


Comments (4)

  1. ILIAS TSELIOS repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Thanks for the report. It is a known problem (I've created the bug in my effort to allow for VR compatibility) and will resolved in the next release.

  2. ILIAS TSELIOS repo owner

    With the latest (2.3.0) version, there options in the Avanti tablet to set the controls (throttles and cond levers) to hardware or mouse (VR) controlled modes.

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