Issue #12 resolved
Don created an issue

We have Zend server running on a Linux box using ODBC connection to IBMi V7R3.

Currently all the XMLSERVICE jobs are running in QBATCH and submitted via the QS36EVOKE job queue.

I presume that this is based on the job description xmlservice/ZSVR_JOBD that specifies that job queue.

While I expect if I change the job queue entry on this job description that the XMLSERVICE jobs will then use that job queue and I intend on either creating a new sub-system description or use the QUSRWRK sub-system.

As this is a production environment I am hoping someone can confirm a change to the job queue on the job description will not cause any unexpected results.

Thanks to any responses

Comments (4)

  1. Ji Mo Account Deactivated

    Guess you meant ZEND/ZSVR_JOBD. You assumption is correct. In which subsystem the job runs depends on the jobd you configured when SMBJOB to call xmlservice. I don't have a Zend environment, but from the xmlservice code, that is configurable.. relevant processing exists in plugconfX.rpgle. You can have a try on that. ;-)

  2. Shlomo Vanunu

    With Zend Server for IBM i, check the toolkit.ini file located in directory \usr\local\zendphp7\var\libraries\PHP_Toolkit_for_IBMI_i\default\library..

    Check the section -> "; Optionally provide submit options here"

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