Unable to kick cheaters

Issue #10 closed
Drat148 created an issue

It seems that whenever I run into a host when invading that's cheating, pressing F1 doesn't kick them, and the same goes for when I host and a cheater invades me. Any temporary fix for this for now?

Comments (10)

  1. infausto repo owner

    I'm going to need you to explain this with way more details, because it's only happening to you as far as I know.

    • what kind of cheats were being detected on the host?
    • does pressing F9 and F10 anytime work as expected?
    • is there anything that's overriding your F1 key?
  2. Drat148 reporter

    The cheats detected was fake SL, host was SL 112 when he should have been 121-125. I have been using DSFix, but I disabled all of its keybinds to prevent any issues with that, and I never knew about using F9 or F10... I only saw F1 to kick and F5 to ignore. Nothing overriding my F1 key as far as I know.

  3. infausto repo owner

    Better try and use F9 and F10 to see if they're working properly, I'm pretty sure there's something overriding your hotkeys. Could be anything, really.

  4. Drat148 reporter

    It seems that ds mouse fix and dsfix are not at fault... yet at the same time, the only modifications I ever made to dark souls are the two I just listed and then watchdog on top of it...

  5. infausto repo owner

    Yes, but DSPW hotkeys can and will be overridden by anything else that's using them before it loads.

  6. Drat148 reporter

    Well damn... shame that dsfix/dsmfix breaks the keybinds. At least I can just be notified so that I can screenshot it, leave, then report the guy... oh well.

  7. infausto repo owner

    If neither DSfix nor DSmfix are using those keys, it's not their fault — there's something else on your system binding them.

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