Suggestion: Stop old incorrect players from being displayed

Issue #11 closed
Evil Ninja created an issue

It's slightly confusing when you get meet a new player, and his name shows up as the name of the last-met player for a few moments before the watchdog updates its knowledge of his name, stats, and soul level.

Since the game can detect when there is nobody currently in your world, I recommend if that state persists for a certain amount of time that a placeholder be used instead.

I once attempted to kick a cheater who I thought was invading me again after I kicked him last time, but it turned out to be someone completely different, so I'm worried that this will lead to false positive kickings.

Comments (4)

  1. cridus

    I don't think it will let you kick non-cheaters only because a cheater's red line is showing, but I'd like this "problem" to be addressed, too >_>

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