Crash on startup.

Issue #18 resolved
Former user created an issue

Game loads up fine with and without DSFix, but not with watchdog. With watchdog, it gets to the bonfire loading screen, displays a [ in the top left, and crashes. On rare occasions, it'll get far enough to show the "This game uses an auto-save function" message. Haven't altered the watchdog files. Using DSFix 2.4 and Watchdog 1.14.9

Comments (4)

  1. infausto repo owner
    • Did it work before?
    • Are you playing offline or online (Steam)?
    • Can you paste your DSPWSteam.ini file contents here?
    • Are you using other mods?
  2. Josh
    • It worked before, but after updating to the not region locked version of Dark Souls, and getting the updates for both DSFix and Watchdog, it won't. Works fine with just DSFix.
    • Playing online
    • Just DSFix
    • I didn't edit the file since the default settings are good for me, but sure.

    edit: It might be worth noting that verifying the integrity of the game cache will find 1 file that failed to validate every time, and steam proceeds to do a 0 byte update. I've already had steam delete the local files, removed everything from the directory, and reinstalled everything. The game still runs with that 1 file failing to validate.

    # Dark Souls PVP Watchdog settings file
    # Display version banner
    # apparently it's annoying for some people, set this to false
    # to hide the version banner in the upper-left corner of the screen
    ShowVersionBanner true
    # Display in-game overlay
    # set this to false to hide the in-game overlay entirely
    ShowOverlay true
    # Invasion sound notification
    # if you want to play the Windows Default Beep sound
    # when invading, or when someone invades you, set this to true
    InvasionSoundNotification true
    # Cheater sound notification
    # if you want to play the Windows Exclamation sound
    # when cheating is detected, set this to true
    CheaterSoundNotification true
    # Show your client pool size
    # this will show you how many clients are currently connected
    # to your multiplayer session. Useful if you need to decide
    # whether to restart the game to fix the matchmaking or not.
    ShowNodeDbCount true
    # Reset invasion cooldown timers
    # set this to true if you want a permanent dried finger effect.
    # you can also press F4 in-game to toggle this.
    ResetInvasionTimers false
    # Font size
    # vertical size of the in-game overlay font
    # default is 15, max value is 72
    FontSize 15
    # Show system clock and date
    # if you want to display a small clock in the upper-left corner
    # of your screen, set this to true. Same goes with date.
    DisplayDate false
    DisplayClock true
    # Check for updates
    # will check the remote version on
    # and notify you if there's something new
    CheckForUpdates true
    # DLL chaining
    # if you want to load another dll after DSPW, put its name here
    # NOTE: if the dll you're trying to chain doesn't export D3DCreate9
    # this won't work, dark souls won't load and you'll blame me :p
    # so, if things stop working set this back to 'none' and forget
    # about it
    d3d9dllWrapper none
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