Failure to Detect

Issue #2 closed
Former user created an issue

Just took Watchdog out for a spin, wound up invading a hacker after about twenty minutes. Watchdog failed to detect anything, but he had pretty much everything in the book: was wearing full Giants armor with Havel's greatshield, Quelaag's Furysword, Ornstein's Spear, and a Dragonslayer greatbow while fastrolling and took no damage, was immune to bleeds, and had infinite stamina.

Comments (3)

  1. infausto repo owner

    As you can see from the main page, there's no way to detect infinite stamina / hp or frozen values. Moreover, he could've had 99 in every stat and be SL713, so nothing to detect. You just invaded a max SL player who was using hacks we cannot detect.

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