DSPW font size

Issue #20 invalid
Former user created an issue

Whenever I change this, no matter the value, it will always make the overlay disappear. Unsure whether this is a bug or not.

DSPW Settings:

# Display version banner
# apparently it's annoying for some people, set this to false
# to hide the version banner in the upper-left corner of the screen
ShowVersionBanner true

# Display in-game overlay
# set this to false to hide the in-game overlay entirely
ShowOverlay true

# Invasion sound notification
# if you want to play the Windows Default Beep sound
# when invading, or when someone invades you, set this to true
InvasionSoundNotification true

# Cheater sound notification
# if you want to play the Windows Exclamation sound
# when cheating is detected, set this to true
CheaterSoundNotification true

# Show your client pool size
# this will show you how many clients are currently connected
# to your multiplayer session. Useful if you need to decide
# whether to restart the game to fix the matchmaking or not.
ShowNodeDbCount true

# Increase the node db limit
# the game defaults to 20 clients in lobby, you can set
# this option to 'true' to increase this limit to 32.
# some people believe this causes them issues with multiplayer,
# should you experience said issues reset this to false.
IncreaseNodeDbLimit true

# Font size
# vertical size of the in-game overlay font
# default is 15, max value is 72
FontSize 24

# Show system clock and date
# if you want to display a small clock in the upper-left corner
# of your screen, set this to true. Same goes with date.
DisplayDate true
DisplayClock true

# Check for updates
# will check the remote version on https://bitbucket.org/infausto/dark-souls-pvp-watchdog/
# and notify you if there's something new
CheckForUpdates true

# DLL chaining
# if you want to load another dll after DSPW, put its name here
# NOTE: if the dll you're trying to chain doesn't export D3DCreate9
# this won't work, dark souls won't load and you'll blame me :p
# so, if things stop working set this back to 'none' and forget
# about it
d3d9dllWrapper none

Comments (4)

  1. Gregory Atlas

    I can reproduce it. It has nothing to do with Watchdog, DSFix causes the trouble. dsfixwterror.jpg

    If you play the game in 1280 x 720 Windows mode and you didnt change the default settings in the DSFix.ini via Editor (look below)

    DSFix.ini [Default]

    # Graphics Options
    # internal rendering resolution of the game
    # higher values will decrease performance
    renderWidth 1920
    renderHeight 1080

    Open the file with an editor and change the resolution to your current game resolution. In my case as example 1280 x 720. That should fix it.

    DSFix.ini [Changed]

    # Graphics Options
    # internal rendering resolution of the game
    # higher values will decrease performance
    renderWidth 1280
    renderHeight 720

    Fullscreen seems to be not affected by any settings. Showing Watchdog correctly.

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