Pls returne back Soul lvl

Issue #25 closed
Kirill Shabalin created an issue

Ita realy good fiture to know players soul lvl, its good to know what soul lvl you figthing and dont get destroyed by the soul lvl 838 while you a soul lvl 20, and yes that hapend, majick of the red eye orb with the no cap lvl invasions.

Comments (6)

  1. Biff Buttkiss

    Exactly why it shouldn't show you SL. You aren't supposed to be able to quickly identify the gap so that you can drop out like a fag. Darkwraith isn't for girls.

    Shouldn't even show names unless it's a cheater.

  2. Kirill Shabalin reporter

    Lets face it, ninja flipyng havel mage with the dark bead, persuers, crystal soul spear, crystal soul mass is cheater or lvl 838, and if he is lvl 838 then he is cheating so basikly showing of SL lets you see for yourself thing's that watch doge cant. And some times watch doge is working not properly, i invaided some guy in the olacile, the watch doge sayd that he had hacked equepment, turns out he doesnt. So i gona stick on the previous version before the SL showe up will return and gona give out old version to people who want it back.

  3. Biff Buttkiss

    You'll run into super high SL players once in a great while. Their reward for going that high is tearing apart darkwraiths once in a while. Don't pretend it's common. Invading doesn't set you up for fair fights nor is it supposed to. Take the asskicking and move on. If it wasn't so time consuming to max out characters then I guess you'd have a point but that's not the case.

    This last note is for infausto: You should consider hiding names for non-cheaters. Might as well go all the way with it. I miss the unannounced invasions once in a while even though I usually got butthurt when it happened.

  4. cridus

    guys, let's not clog an issue tracker. discuss about the matter here: (there are already many pages with that discussion).

    @ Biff Buttkiss: you can have unannounced invasions this way: disable the in-game overlay and enable only the sound for cheaters. that way you will be notified only when there's a cheater and only through sound. I guess you can then press F9 to see the cheater's details.

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