UI improvement idea

Issue #3 resolved
Former user created an issue

Instead of having a Window on top the game, depending on the speed the check is done (I haven't actually ever ran the program), replace the xxxGamertagxxx invaded text. This is trivial with CE, can't see it being difficult if being done 'from scratch'.

Comments (9)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I'd like to know, how can I manually add a gfwl ID to firewall? Sometimes, watchdog warning disappears and I don't have enough time to press alt+b.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    So, it seems that everytime a player cheated, and watchdog didn't work, it will be useless to ban those players with effectivity later. I got an excellent idea, if watchdog has a registry for historical gfwl users in some dated file, which keeps their ip address for their respective gfwl users, then we could ban them later. I mean, watchdog needs a way to ban past players, even they aren't playing with us at the moment. It will avoids futures unpleasant situations. I hope you can work on it to improve our dear watchdog.

  3. Asthos Lestadt

    That's kinda fun to a non-cheating invader to be concidered as a cheater by your watchdog when the invaded using it just take lethal fall damages (and still survive a 60.000 fall damage when it's not possible without... cheating). Anti-cheater software creating a cheat ? x)

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    When I go to download in the home page, I can see "Download repository" and "DSPVPWatchdog20140703.zip", which file should I download? I guess DSPVPWatchdog20140703.zip, but Download repositry files are up to date according to 03 October 2014, while some files in DSPVPWatchdog20140703.zip are out of date.

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