Got turned into dragon form by invader

Issue #30 invalid
JohnnyCashew created an issue

I got invaded in Anor Londo. I took off all my armour and weapons because I don't like to fight real people. Then the guy comes up to me and somehow turns my (naked) character into a dragon, as you can see in the screenshots. I think it he did it with this club he's holding in the first screenshot. Watchdog didn't give me any option to kick him. While I was in dragon form I slowly lost health points. At least I think it was because of it. When I died I turned back to normal. Actually the death animation already was in the human form.

I'm using DSfix and DSMfix.

Is this one of those cases where Watchdog can't do anything?

Comments (2)

  1. JohnnyCashew reporter

    Ok. I'm sorry, I don't know what "locked" means in this context.

    Edit: Oh, I think I get it now. It means it's not constant, wears off on death, right?

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