White screen when opening Steam overlay

Issue #38 resolved
Alvaro Brey created an issue

When I use shift+TAB to open the Steam overlay, i get either a white screen with only the HUD visible or really messed up shading (white areas in walls, red character...). This persists after closing the Steam overlay and even in game menus, and can only be fixed by alt-tabbing out of the game and into it again. This only happens with your mod installed.

Comments (3)

  1. 佳禾 陳

    Got the same issue too. but it will just randomly disrupt shading at random time. I only got this issue after install watchdog.

    #Edit: i just found out it's not randomly become white screen, it only mess the shading when steam friend popout at bottom right corner. So yeah steam overlay cause the problem,

  2. Alvaro Brey reporter


    This is caused by using DSFix + DSPVPWD at the same time. This is solved by changing AA type from SMAA to FXAA in DSFix.

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