Admin Level Mapping

Issue #32 resolved
Scott Teesdale created an issue

The Admin Division Mapping currently expects that the source list will have 4 levels of the hierarchy at the correct levels. This being defined by whatever the MFL administrative division hierarchy is set as. (i.e., Country -> Zone -> Region -> District for Tanzania). A list might only have Region and District though. At this point the mapping button is inactive. Or if the order of level doesn't match a user is directed to map a District to a region or other mismatched levels.

Comments (7)

  1. Nicolas di Tada

    If the Country and Zone are not present, then the user has to select one of the "fixed values" from the drop down for Country and one for Zone to indicate where to map the records.

  2. Scott Teesdale reporter

    Would a user then split the list into the different zones to allow for the fixed value? This doesn't seem right.

    I am not sure if this should be invalid, perhaps we need to re-parse the issue. @mverzilli had some thoughts on this as well.

  3. Nicolas di Tada

    If the list has records for more than one zone, and doesn't have a field value indicating which zone each record belongs to, how can we map it?

  4. Valeria Tiffenberg

    It was decided to force the user to have a valid hierarchy in the imported file in order to map any site at all. It's been thus implemented (#47)

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