Uploading a new source list throws "Page not found" on Resourcemap

Issue #57 invalid
Mauricio Muller created an issue
  • Create a new Source List
  • Map the Facilities
  • View the Facilities on Resourcemap. The facilities are displayed as expected.
  • Press "Upload new version" (on MFL)
  • Go to the Collection page on Resourcemap and refresh the page
  • Actual: The notice “Unexpected error occurred, please refresh the page” is shown and "404 Page not found" is thrown in the console logs.

Comments (1)

  1. Martin Verzilli

    This is not a bug. When you upload new version for the source list MFL destroys the original collection and creates a new one, so when you refresh RM it's actually right that you get a page not found. The user should access the source list through the link provided by MFL.

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