Review MFL, while not logged into RM

Issue #68 resolved
Scott Teesdale created an issue

I logged out of the MFL utility to switch to a different account, logged in through Guisso to the MFL.

Open a project and wanted to review the MFL layout. Selected the option to do so.

Redirected to the same page, instead of RM layer design.

Clicked again on this new page, it worked fine then... took me to the RM layer design for the MFL collection

Comments (24)

  1. Scott Teesdale reporter
    • marked as major
    • edited description

    Also, Can't simply view the collection in RM either. Get an "Access Denied" Message from RM when selecting the link on right of the main landing page of the MFL tool, titled " View MFL in Resource Map".

    Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 4.45.30 PM.png

  2. Scott Teesdale reporter

    Also an issue for brand new users... as they by default are not logged into RM. Will hit this error unless they intentionally log into RM.

  3. Martin Verzilli

    I've been playing around with this and I think here we have three different issues at stake:

    1) In Resource Map, when you try to access the Layers tab of a collection without being logged in, you get an Access Denied message, which I think makes sense. From an RM usability standpoint, we could consider redirecting to Guisso's login page, but the outcome is reasonable.

    2) In MFL, when you click on "Review MFL Schema..." after having logged out you're redirected to Guisso's login page on a new tab. Once you reenter your credentials, you get back to the original Project page in MFL. That's when clicking on "Review MFL Schema" gets you to the Layers tab in Resource Map (provided you had logged into RM at least once before).

    3) This issue:

  4. Nicolas di Tada

    Makes sense. So we should close this ticket, and maybe add one in Resmap to address (1) a bit better, correct?

  5. Martin Verzilli

    I'd agree with that, unless @steesdale or @mauriciomuller came up with specific repro steps that pinpoint something I'm not seeing.

  6. Martin Verzilli

    @mauriciomuller Would you please open a more specific issue and attach that video? I think we should close this one as it got a bit difficult to understand.

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