Processing: min() and max() only take arrays of floats; should work on IList

Issue #129 resolved
Doug Blank created an issue

This causes big problems when trying to mix Processing with other code.

Comments (3)

  1. Keith O'Hara

    Interesting since the python min() is exactly what we're after but from Processing import overrides this. Anyway to conditionally define something like this?

  2. Doug Blank reporter

    Yes, since they have different signatures it is no problem. It even works from Jigsaw, as Jigsaw will get the right function based on arguments given.

    BTW, the Processing version works with variable number of args:

    max(1, 2, 3) # I assume that that is how the original Processing works

    When I originally proposed this, I only got an error about wrong type. (BTW, I got this because I had turned off "Reset Shell on Run", and it defined min/max to something that no longer worked. At least now, it will work with numbers, but not strings. We could make it more flexible.)

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