Jigsaw module column glitch

Issue #15 new
Katie Burke created an issue

The module panel, or the left column seems to have some issues displaying all the modules when you import too many. They can overlap, leaving it difficult to click on the ones that are covered up.

Comments (5)

  1. Doug Blank

    Weird---I have never seen anything like this. Can you say exactly what modules you used in order to cause this?

  2. Katie Burke reporter

    I took this screenshot 2 weeks ago and haven't been able to recreate the glitch. I believe I was just using the ones that are shown in the screenshot, but if I'm able to recreate it, I'll upload both the image and the names of the modules.

    However, in the process of trying to recreate the issue, I went to drag a block onto the window, and this happened.

  3. Doug Blank

    Can you open a separate bug for the second issue, and move that picture over to it? Thanks! These images should help track down the issue.

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