Mono and Gtk Windows root

Issue #171 new
Doug Blank created an issue

"""I'm using a multi-monitor set up under OS X, and have one of my monitors designated as the "primary" one (it's the one with the menu bar on it). All applications automatically start on that monitor, except for Calico -- it starts on the other one. I need to drag it over every time. This is clearly not a major issue, but is nonetheless a bug.(This also happens when I pop up the "About Calico Project" menu -- even after I have dragged the main app to my primary monitor, the About window appears on my secondary monitor again.)""" - Dave Musicant, from codeplex issue tracker

Comments (3)

  1. Keith O'Hara

    I have also heard report of Calico having trouble after waking up from suspend on macs. I have not seen this personally though.

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