Uncommenting leaves behind commented blank lines

Issue #19 new
Katie Burke created an issue

When using "comment region" and "uncomment region" in scheme, I find that uncommenting leaves behind semicolons on lines without code.

Comments (8)

  1. Doug Blank

    More specifically, it leaves the ;; on lines that are otherwise empty:

    ;; this
    ;; line


  2. Doug Blank

    I can't replicate this bug. Can you attach the actual code that exhibits the issue? Or maybe it is a particular OS issue? What OS are you on?

  3. Katie Burke reporter

    I'm using Ubuntu 12.10. I also noticed that if I highlight the code, and use "comment region" and then "uncomment region" without deselecting the code between those two commands, the uncommenting works fine, but if I deselect and then re-highlight the code between commenting and uncommenting, that's when I get the bug.

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