Implement 'bytevector?' and 'hashtable? in Scheme

Issue #25 new
Katie Burke created an issue

scheme>>> bytevector? #vu8
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "stdin", line 1, col 14
ScanError: unexpected character 'v' encountered

scheme>>> hashtable? '(not a hashtable)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "stdin", line 1, col 1
RunTimeError: unbound variable 'hashtable?'

Comments (8)

  1. Doug Blank

    There are a large number of missing functions in Calico Scheme. Rather than make a bug for each one, maybe we can have a list (perhaps in the integrated wiki here) and check them off as they are implemented? Then we could just have one issue: "Implement missing functions in Scheme". What do you think?

  2. Doug Blank

    BTW, to test these out when they are implemented, you would:

    scheme>>> (bytevector? thing)
    scheme>>> (hashtable? '(not a hashtable))

    etc. That is, you need to parens around the function to call it.

  3. Keith O'Hara

    As out of hand number of various to-be-implemented features might get, I think having separate issues is a good idea. That way they can be checked off as we go. I wonder if there is an easy way to hide or group them.


  4. Doug Blank

    Maybe, but there could be hundreds. I have no idea. Will it take longer to mark them off if they are separate, having to find it, and check off each one? Or have a nicely formatted table in the wiki to just work your way down?

  5. Katie Burke reporter

    I could do either one, but maybe the separate issues would work best, since you can discuss the issues mark them as resolved as you fix each problem. Also, if you do an advanced search of the issues, you can filter by component, by words in the title, and by resolved or unresolved so it would be like having a list of the issues in front of you, just like on a wiki.

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