Implement cons* in Scheme

Issue #26 new
Katie Burke created an issue

scheme>>> cons* 'a 'b '(c d)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "stdin", line 1, col 1
RunTimeError: unbound variable 'cons*'

Comments (7)

  1. Doug Blank

    This one is user error, I think. You need parens around it, and as far as I know it only takes two arguments:

    scheme>>> (cons 'a '(b))
    (a b)
  2. Katie Burke reporter

    According to the example (cons* 'a 'b '(c d)) should return (a b c d).

    scheme>>> (cons* 'a 'b '(c d))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "stdin", line 1, col 2
    RunTimeError: unbound variable 'cons*'

  3. Doug Blank

    Interesting, then the issue should be "Implement cons* in Scheme", give the link to the reference, and show

    1) what you get 2) what you expected to get

    That will help make this very clear what the issue is. Thanks!

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