Cannot create self containded exe file

Issue #186 new
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Hi there, I cannot create a self contained exe-file because i have allways the following error message:

VERBOSE: Checking license VERBOSE: OutputPath is C:\Users\gk\MyProjects\Powershell\Test\out VERBOSE: Bundling C:\Users\gk\MyProjects\Powershell\Test\Snippet_ConvertEnvironmentSetting.ps1 VERBOSE: Packaging C:\Users\gk\AppData\Local\Temp\Snippet_ConvertEnvironmentSetting.ps1 VERBOSE: Checking dotnet version. VERBOSE: 3.0.100

VERBOSE: Creating package project. VERBOSE: Using .NET Framework version: net462 VERBOSE: Target Framework:netcoreapp3.0 VERBOSE: Wiederherstellung in "69,32 ms" f�r "C:\Users\gk\AppData\Local\Temp\217262699d6349109074a233f7337f39\Snippet_ConvertEnvironmentSetting.csproj" abgeschlossen.

VERBOSE: Packaging C:\Users\gk\AppData\Local\Temp\Snippet_ConvertEnvironmentSetting.ps1 -> C:\Users\gk\MyProjects\Powershell\Test\out\Snippet_ConvertEnvironmentSetting.exe Merge-Script : You need to install .NET Core SDK to use packaging. You can download it from Microsoft. At line:1 char:1 + Merge-Script -Verbose -ConfigFile 'c:\Users\gk\MyProjects\Powershell\ ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Merge-Script], Exception + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PowerShellToolsPro.Cmdlets.MergeScriptCommand

But I have install the installed .net core SDK 3 and .net SDK 2. Can you please help me?


Name Value ---- ----- PSVersion 7.0.0-preview.4 PSEdition Core GitCommitId 7.0.0-preview.4 OS Microsoft Windows 10.0.18362 Platform Win32NT PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…} PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3 SerializationVersion WSManStackVersion 3.0

(Get-Module PowerShellProTools -ListAvailable).Version | Out-String

Major Minor Build Revision

4 9 1 -1

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