SLN Project File Shows As Incompatible

Issue #246 resolved
Dryst created an issue

I am not sure what introduced this issue, but this is recent. When I open a Visual Studio 2019 SLN project file, it shows as incompatible within the solution explorer. I have tried uninstalling PowerShell Pro Tools then reinstalling the latest version. This issue remains. I am not sure what changed to cause this. The SLN file is simply a text file. A fresh PowerShell Pro Tools install did not resolve.

The PowerShell script executes without issue within Windows. This is just a Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise issue it seems. I have version 16.6.1.

I have attached the SLN file that shows the issue if this helps.

Below is the solution explorer screenshot:

Comments (21)

  1. Dryst reporter

    I am now attempting a full repair using the Visual Studio 2019 Installer. This will run for some time, and I will report back if this resolves the issue.

  2. Dryst reporter

    I performed a full repair and rebooted afterward. incompatible still shows as per my screenshot above.

  3. Adam Driscoll

    Is there any way you can share your PSSProj file? The solution is loading but the project is not. You are running version 5.5.0 of PowerShell Tools for VS?

  4. Adam Driscoll

    This is loading fine in my environment so there must be some sort of installation issue happening.

    Can you please grab the ActivityLog.xml from %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\16?

  5. Dryst reporter

    I have %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio but no 16 folder under that. I have a folder called 16.0_60e15ccb instead. This is after performing a full repair and reboot too. I attempted to rename the 16.0_60e15ccb folder to 16, but starting Visual Studio results in it creating a new 16.0_60e15ccb folder adding files to it.

    Also, I have a lower .NET version than you do, because Windows Update has not been successful on my workstation starting in March 2020. It has been failing every monthly update since March. Microsoft is still working on Windows 10 update failures that have been plaguing many users.

    This is my version:

  6. Dryst reporter

    I noticed errors in the AcitivityLog.xml related to an AutoSave extension I installed awhile back. I have uninstalled it to see if that helped. It did not. Attached is a second ActivityLog.xml without the AutoSave extension installed.

  7. Adam Driscoll

    I don’t see anything abnormal in those logs.

    Can you let me know which Visual Studio workloads\features you have installed? You said this used to work and you upgraded and at some point, it stopped working. Is that correct?

  8. Dryst reporter

    There were about two recent Visual Studio updates back-to-back. I noticed this issue only the day I opened this ticket.

    I will attach screenshots of my currently installed options.

  9. Dryst reporter

    The issue seems to be specific to PowerShell projects only in Visual Studio. I can create other projects without an issue (C++, C#, VB tried so far).

  10. Dryst reporter

    There was another update for Visual Studio 2019 that I just installed today. I still do not know why I encountered the issue above, but I corrected just corrected it after installing this update:

    I fixed this by moving the entire solution to a new location. I then used the latest Visual Studio to create a new PowerShell script solution with the same name as what I copied. This was created correctly as the screenshot above shows. Finally, I copied my single ps1 script file into this newly created solution.

    This was a weird one, but this ticket may be closed now.

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