toolStrip container loses dropdownitems collection

Issue #51 new
Shaun B created an issue

This is a continued problem from that previous poshtools pro support site, that didn't get carried over.

I can create the first layer of items in a toolstrip container. But when i add subsequent dropdownitems, either by the items collection editor, or through the designer menu manual adds, when i save the project and close and reopen VS, the subsequent items are no longer included in the dropdownitems collection. All events assigned are still there.

I can view the .designer.ps1 file and see the items that i added, including their addition to the form at the bottom, but they don't have the $variable.DropDownItems.AddRange([System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem[]]@($subVariable)) added to them.

If i manually edit the .designer.ps1 file (i know, sorry), they sometimes show up for a little bit, but then randomly disappear again. When doing this, they don't show up in the designer form view, only in the edit collection items window.

Comments (2)

  1. Shaun B reporter

    Correction, editing the designer.ps1 directly doesn't let me add event or collection items.

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