Ensure pydsh default is threads

Issue #16 closed
Jesse Almanrode repo owner created an issue

In version 2.5 of pydsh we made the default to spawn threads and not use sub-processes until the option of --redline is selected. This is the behavior for non-coalesced output but the coalesced output still uses sub-processes.

This line basically needs to change from:

        if kwargs['redline']:
            jobs_finished = sshreader.sshread(jobs, pcount=-1, tcount=0, progress_bar=True)
            jobs_finished = sshreader.sshread(jobs, pcount=0, tcount=0, progress_bar=True


        if kwargs['redline']:
            jobs_finished = sshreader.sshread(jobs, pcount=0, tcount=0, progress_bar=True)
            jobs_finished = sshreader.sshread(jobs, tcount=0, progress_bar=True

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