Show (n choose k-1) * n^O(1) time complexity

Issue #1 resolved
Isak Lyckberg repo owner created an issue

Show (n choose k-1) * n^O(1) time complexity as suggested by Andreas in commit b89d6cf.

Comments (4)

  1. Isak Lyckberg reporter

    Idea: For algorithm L, first change the inequality (7) to something like this, then use the same argument of bounding the size of the recursion tree to get (n choose k)n^O(1). Perhaps is there a literature reference to the bound?

  2. Isak Lyckberg reporter

    Or, if we use that k <=n/2, we have that $\sum_{i=0}^{k-1} (n \choose i) \leq k * (n \choose k-1)$, since binomial coefficients are increasing over the interval 0<k<n/2. Thus algorithm L runs in time < k(n choose k-1)n. Thoughts?

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