Derandomize algorithm P

Issue #2 resolved
Isak Lyckberg repo owner created an issue

Use the method of conditional probabilities to derandomize algorithm P.

Comments (4)

  1. Isak Lyckberg reporter

    So, if I understand this correctly (have been thinking yesterday and this morning), either we argue that the Gaussian elimination solving Ax=y+r for an r, and every y in Y, can be used to calculate E[|X|] and runs in |Y|*n^O(1) time, no matter the A (that is, no matter how large null space A has and how that coincides with an arbitrary r).

    Or, we show that we can compute E[|X'|] for Ax' = y+r', where r' is the same as r but with the last bit fixed to either 0 or 1, in |Y|*n^O(1) time.

    The question is, can we argue as in the first way, just with referring to Gaussian elimination, or do we have to construct a theorem like in Lemma 6 in The Parity of Directed Hamiltonian Cycles?

  2. Isak Lyckberg reporter

    Perfect. Will write up a proper argument as soon as possible. Will be away until Tuesday afternoon, but as soon as possible.

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