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Welcome to your CBOR-lite wiki!

This wiki is intended to provide documentation and other useful information concerning the use of CBOR-lite.

This wiki presently allows anyone to edit it... but if it gets spammed or otherwise abused, it will get locked down.

See also:

CBOR-lite Example

Consider the C++ structure representing an application protocol data unit:

struct Message {
    enum class Type { request = 0, response };
    Type type = Type::request;
    bool accepted = false;
    std::vector<unsigned char> id;
    std::vector<char> payload;

This could be encoded as a CBOR array of 4 items, a unsigned integer, a boolean, a byte string, and a text string, as follows:

using CborLite;
template <typename Buffer>
size_t encodeMessage(Buffer& buffer, const Message& m) {
    auto len = encodeArraySize(buffer, 4);
    len += encodeUnsigned(buffer, static_cast<unsigned long>(m.type));
    len += encodeBool(buffer, m.accepted);
    len += encodeBytes(buffer,;
    len += encodeText(buffer, m.payload);
    return len;

and decoded:

using CborLite;
template <typename InputIterator>
size_t decodeMessage(InputIterator& pos, InputIterator end, Message& m, Flags flags = Flag::none) {
    size_t nItems = 0;
    auto len = decodeArraySize(pos, end, nItems, flags);
    if (nItems != 4) throw Exception("not the right number of items");
    unsigned long type;
    len += decodeUnsigned(pos, end, type, flags);
    m.type = static_cast<Message::Type>(type);
    len += decodeBool(pos, end, m.accepted, flags);
    len += decodeBytes(pos, end,;
    len += decodeText(pos, end, m.payload, flags);
    return len;

Note this example doesn't include as much input checking as one would find in a robust decoder.
