Itom 4.1.0 (x64 setup) error loading python due to numpy

Issue #173 resolved
Andreas Faulhaber created an issue

Fresh install of itom 4.1.0 x64 setup (itom_compileDate: Mar 5 2021, 14:09:32) delivers a major error not loading/starting python due to reason:

Numpy.core.multiarray failed to import. Please verify that you have numpy 1.6 or higher installed.

Numpy was then manually updated via pip3.8 from Numpy1.20.1 → Numpy1.20.3

→ Solved the problem, but not sure why the problem existed in the first place inside the compiled setup?!

→ Unable to reproduce problem (student laptop) on a fresh win10 install in a VM! Student reported problem after installing GIMP 2.10

Logfile of qitom.exe using log argument:

PCL_Version: 1.10.0.
Py_Version: 3.8.7
QT_Version: 5.12.6
QT_Your_Version: 5.12.6
itom_GIT_Date: Fri Mar 5 14:01:17 2021 +0100
itom_GIT_Rev: a8a680134e2efc766e8673af03c150874e152d5a
itom_GIT_Rev_Abbrev: a8a68013
itom_SysType: Windows 10 Enterprise, 2004,
itom_Version: 4.1.0
itom_compileDate: Mar 5 2021, 14:09:32
itom_compiler: Microsoft Visual C/C++, 64-Bit, Release
itom_pluginInterface_Version: ito.AddIn.InterfaceBase/4.2.0
itom_sharedLibs: dataobject v.; itomCommonLib v.; itomCommonQtLib v.; pointcloud v.; plot v.; widgets v.; shape v.; addInManager v.; property editor v.
openCV_Version: 4.2.0
version_Warnings: Warning: The version contains unversioned files (e.g. from pycache-files)!

[qDebug 08.06.21 11:31:36] - ..python engine started (File: Line: 0 Function: )
[qDebug 08.06.21 11:31:36] - pythonAllInOneDir: "C:/Program Files/itom (x64)/../../3rdParty/Python" (File: Line: 0 Function: )
[qDebug 08.06.21 11:31:36] - Py_GetPythonHome: "C:/Program Files/itom (x64)/python3" (File: Line: 0 Function: )
[qDebug 08.06.21 11:31:36] - Py_GetPath: "C:\Program Files\itom (x64)\;C:/Program Files/itom (x64)/python3\DLLs;C:/Program Files/itom (x64)/python3\lib;C:\Program Files\itom (x64)" (File: Line: 0 Function: )
[qDebug 08.06.21 11:31:36] - Py_GetProgramName: "python" (File: Line: 0 Function: )
[qDebug 08.06.21 11:31:36] - Py_Initialize done. (File: Line: 0 Function: )
[qDebug 08.06.21 11:31:36] - ..python engine moved to new thread (File: Line: 0 Function: )
[qDebug 08.06.21 11:31:36] - ..python engine destroyed since python could not be properly initialized. Reason: Numpy.core.multiarray failed to import. Please verify that you have numpy 1.6 or higher installed.
(File: Line: 0 Function: )

numpy 1.20.1 ---> 1.20.3

Comments (5)

  1. Bernd Bertschinger

    Hi Andreas,
    has this problem occured lately.
    Otherwise I would like to close this ticket as overdue.

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