itom ito::PythonEngine exception

Issue #176 resolved
Johann Krauter created an issue

itom crashed with the exception:

Itom-Application caught an unknown exception from: (ito::PythonEngine) from event type 43 (MetaCall)

when the new dataObjectDetailsDialog is opened for the variable x or y of this code snippets.

import numpy as np

image = np.random.rand(512, 640).astype("float64")
width, height = image.shape
x, y = np.ogrid[:width, :height]
x = dataObject(x)

Comments (3)

  1. Johann Krauter reporter

    x and y seems to be correpted.

    When it is converted to a dataobject x = dataObject(x), the RuntimeError:
    RuntimeError: Unknown runtime error when executing python command (maybe stack overflow?)

    is thrown.

  2. M. Gronle

    fixes issue 176: fixes a bug when creating a dataObject from a numpy.ndarray, whose stride can be 0 in specific cases. Additionally, less deep copies are created in this constructor, compared to the previous version.

    → <<cset 67e5798885b9>>

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