support of asci based fileformats in ScriptEditor

Issue #187 new
Johann Krauter created an issue

Add *.txt, *.json, *csv fileformat in scripteditor.

Comments (3)

  1. Bernd Bertschinger

    I am not sure, what this ticket comprises as workload?

    I would like to remove the *.json from the list file formats to be supported , because it is not a simple ASCII fileformat
    but a markup-language, such as “markdown” *.md and “latex” *.latex . If we include those format markup-languages, which I strongly advocate for, we also create the need to display the live-preview, effectively turning ITOM into
    WYSWG-Editor for those format as well. It the should also compromise code-highlighting and file-formatting options.
    But I am not sure if this is the ticket’s intend?

    I would assume that instead you want to use the Script Editor as a simple Text-File Editor as well.
    This can be easily implemented by just allowing the option to store and load ASCII Formats “ASCII (*.txt, *.csv, *.json, *.md, *.latex)“ by removing the compiler options from the editor menu.

    If that is the intend than I would like to rename the ticket to “Enable Script Editor as a simple Text-File Editor” and change the ticket type to enhancement.
    Do you agree?

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