help how do i get usb4000 to work

Issue #196 resolved
Chesse Doane created an issue

i plugged in usb 4000, pressed new plugin button on “OceanOpticsSpec” and entered the vendor id and product id from the documentation; but it keeps giving error

did i miss a step? i can’t find a subreddit, discord, IRC, or forum for this software so i dont know where else to ask for help.

Comments (7)

  1. M. Gronle

    The OceanOpticsSpec plugin uses the ``LibUSB`` plugin to communicate with the device. The error message comes from the LibUSB plugin, saying that it cannot find a device with the given vendor and product ID.

    Could you please try to directly use the LibUSB plugin to create a connection to the OceanOpticsSpec? For this, use the same ``VendorID`` and ``ProductID`` and set the ``endpoint`` parameter to 1. Additionally, set the optional initialization parameter ``printInfoAboutAllDevices`` to 1. Then, all detected USB devices, that are supported by LibUSB, are printed to the command line of itom. This should help to check if the device could be found and what Vendor ID and product ID (maybe endpoint) has to be used.

  2. Chesse Doane reporter

    I tried the following things

    1. testing usb-4000 with oceanview software (it works)
    2. opened device driver and found hardware ids to make sure i was using correct ids
    3. tried the ids from device driver with both plugins

    The error was the same every time as the the one shown in the issue. I wonder what could be the problem.

  3. M. Gronle

    Hi Chesse,
    based on this website you can see, that the OceanOptics USB4000 device has the right vendor and product ID. However, I guess that these values are hex-values: 0x2457 and 0x1022. At least, the homepage also shows product and vendor IDs that contain letters A-F.

    If I am right, you have to enter the corresponding decimal integer value into the new plugin instance dialog (in a future version of itom, you can directly enter the hex-value here):
    0x2457=9303 and 0x1022=4130.

    As I have written in my previous post, you could also get a list of all detected devices using the libusb plugin and the optional parameter (new optional tab in the new plugin instance dialog) ``printInfoAboutAllDevices`` set to 1.

    Maybe this solves the problem.



  4. Chesse Doane reporter

    thank you this fixed the error; it now tells me that the “LIBUSB ERROR TIMEOUT” but the original error is fixed now with the instructions you have given.

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