dataObject.createMask is incorrect for shapes, that exceed the boundaries of the dataObject

Issue #200 resolved
M. Gronle created an issue

If a shape (rectangle, square, circle, ellipse) exceeds at least at one side the border of the dataObject, the mask, created from this shape, is incorrect. The reason is, that the bounding box of the shape is given in physical coordinates. Then, the box is transformed
to pixel coordinates of the dataObject using ``getPhysToPix``. However, this method clips values to the allowed pixel range of the dataObject in the given axis. Due to this clipping, the bouding box can be squeezed or changed in at least one dimension.

Comments (1)

  1. M. Gronle reporter

    fixes issue 200: error in dataObject.createMask if the bounding box of the shape is not fully contained in the area of the given dataObject. This is fixed now by means of the new method dataObject::getPhysToPixUnclipped.

    → <<cset d230ac4f4316>>

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