scatter3d_demo, ValueError right mouse button

Issue #206 resolved
Bernd Bertschinger created an issue throws exception when right mouse button is clicked:

ValueError: None is not a valid MouseButton

Seems to happen with all demos. In particular nasty, since many options commands can be opened via right mouse button click.

Comments (11)

  1. M. Gronle

    I cannot reproduce this issue with matplotlib 3.5.1. Are there information for which version it does not work?

  2. Bernd Bertschinger reporter

    I just used the python distribution in the release. It is matplotlib 3.3.4.

    Same outcome also on my Win10 distribution.

    Right Mouse Button click into the ploit field to open the menu.

  3. M. Gronle

    Can you paste the entire traceback here? I also downgraded to Matplotlib 3.3.4, however did not downgrade other packages, required by Matplotlib. In this constellation, I still cannot reproduce this error. However, it is not unlikely, that we have to adapt something in the itom backend for matplotlib, since matplotlib is sometimes changes something, that requires an adaption in our backend (itom_packages/mpl_itom).

  4. M. Gronle

    Is it correct, that this error occurs if the itom setup version 4.1.0 is used and not the current master? I only see line 389 in the traceback, which corresponds to the of the tagged version 4.1.0. I guess that this bug is already fixed in the current master, probably in this commit This has already be described by issue #130.

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