Testing quantum composer plugin with model 9600+

Issue #229 new
William Nguyen created an issue

I’m testing the recently developed quantum composer plugin (model 9520 I think) with my 9600+ model. When I tried to load the plugin, I got an error saying timeout during read string. Is this an error we can easily fix by playing with the parameters or does the plugin simply not work with my 9600+ model? For reference, here is what I wrote to load the plugin:

from itom import dataIO

serial = dataIO("SerialIO", 8, 9600, "\r\n")  # COM 8, baudrate 9600 
qc = dataIO("QuantumComposer", serial, "USB")  # give it the "QuantumComposer" plugin

Line 4 was the line that gave the error

Comments (5)

  1. William Nguyen reporter

    I’m tempted to think that if I change some of the code within the plugin on reading the lines, it could work. In my original code, I used a readline function like this:

        def readlines(self):
            line = None
            while (line != "" and j<50):
                line = self.connection.readline().decode()
                line = line.strip("\n")
                j = j+1

    If I modified the plugin code to something like that, maybe it could work?

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