GeniCam with Blackfly Camera - AcccessException

Issue #28 new
Bernd Bertschinger created an issue

GeniCam Plugin throws AccessException in GenIcCam Exception.cpp .
Please see images for further information.

This Error is probably related to the GeniCam Source Code and most likely the Blacfly Camera deviates from the GeniCam
reference Standard.

For Debugging I cannot access the Genicam source code. I therefore requested membership rights to the EMVA1288 organisation.

Comments (1)

  1. M. Gronle

    I am not sure if this is a real error inside of the GenICam code. Additionally, it might be that the membership costs money.

    Currently, the GenICam plugin does not support any of the indicated pixel formats. This might be an indicator for the error.
    A non-writeable error can be something normal for GenICam. Every parameter has flags like readable, writeable, available etc.
    These flags can also change, e.g. if a camera is started it might be that some parameters are not writeable any more.

    Could you debug the initialization process and get the callstack of the line where the exception is thrown. Just to see which
    line in the itom plugin lead to this error.

    Additionally, start the error with a high verbose value and copy all the output to the command line into a text file and append
    all information to this issue.

    If the error happend in BasePort::syncImageParameters, then this is a little bit strange, but ok. It is probably from the
    code, where it tries to find any compatible pixel format (probably without success). Usually it should not throw an exception there,
    but this has to be fixed then.

    I can also support if it becomes necessary to implement for instance a BayerRG8 format. Color formats with more than 8 bit per color
    are difficult to realize in itom, since our only rgba-data type only supports 8 bit per channel.

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