The Build Chain Task Configuration window does not show the previously chosen build plan

Issue #3 resolved
Paul Naranja created an issue

Bamboo Version 5.9.4
Build Chain Task Version 1.5

Test Case:
1. Create a Build Chain Task and specify a build plan
2. Press Save
3. Click on the newly created Build Chain Task

Expected Results: The previous build plan is shown in the dropdown field

Actual Results: The build plan dropdown field is empty

The actual functionality still works. The saved build plan does kick off when the task is run. However other users who look at this task will not know what is planned to be run.

Let me know if you need more info.
Thanks again for making this plugin!!

Comments (3)

  1. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    Hi Paul,

    I will look over it in the weekend, seems like I am not setting the previous value.

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