multiple configurations / load config via repo

Issue #3 resolved
kbmt10 created an issue

I would like to ask for a couple of related features. I think these would make a killer improvement to your already amazing plugin.

1- Having a seperate configuration per deployment plan or at least per project. That way we can have different values / variables to show per project or deployment plan.

2- Default JSON values in version control: It would be amazing if we can load the configuration for the plugin or at the very lease the default JSON values from a code repo. Something similar to bamboo specs for example. That way we can keep track of changes and have a source of truth.

3- possibly have all configuration in the repository

Happy to detail more if needed.

Thank you again for this amazing plugin man!

Comments (3)

  1. kbmt10 Account Deactivated reporter

    I was thinking about feature #1: I guess you can do this by having different variable names for different projects. Not sure if it does work like that now but i thought of it anyways. Will try later.

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