Deployment plans Environment permissions not replicated

Issue #17 closed
Sergey Zorchenko created an issue

I have a deployment plan with "MASTER" environment which is used as a template. Tasks replicate fine and I have not problems with'em. But now I want to give some users permissions to manually trigger deployment builds. I've created group, added these users for it, added this group in MASTER environment 'Environment permission' section with 'Deploy' permissions. Now when I press 'Replicate deployments' in admin area - nothing happens. I mean it writes to log that it replicates, tasks are still synchronized, but none on other build's environments gets this environment permission.

Comments (7)

  1. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    Hi Sergey,

    I had a quick look now, it is farely simple change in the plugin. I will add some sort of global setting to disable/enable this functionality. By default it will be disabled as I have customers which have deployments templated and very specific permission configuration on each environment.

    I don't want to wipe the environment permission setup by mistake.


  2. Sergey Zorchenko reporter

    Nice to hear it. Looking forward to see it implemented. Imo the best place for such option is somewhere near 'Replicate deployments' button ;)

  3. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    Good idea, maybe a replicate with permissions or something.

    I will try to be creative.


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