Deployment Template requirements not replicated

Issue #19 resolved
Former user created an issue

In version 5.13 of bamboo there were introduced Environment requirements. You can find `em under 'Agents assignment' button. There is list of required capabilities, translated from deployment tasks, and also you now can add manually configured requirements.

Before 5.13 there was requirementtask plugin that simply added Task with 'Required capability' to the deployment build, because there was no way to add manual requirements to deployment build. Since 5.13 this functionality is integrated in Bamboo itself and plugin is now incompatible, so you need to replace it with manual requirements on builds for later compatibility.

So now 'Template Replication Operations' does not replicate these requirements.

Comments (3)

  1. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner


    I will add this new feature to my backlog, should be ready in 1-2 days.


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