Task states not being synced

Issue #22 resolved
George Lianeris created an issue

Hi Julius,

It appears that the tasks states are not maintained when replicating templates.

I have your latest plugin, running on Bamboo right now. The log appears to be clean, and it looks like everything but the tasks states is being replicated. Can you help me try and debug this?

Comments (21)

  1. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    Hi George,

    unfortunately I have bad news for you, this is by design. What most people do, they have some fat template with scripts etc and for example 3 types of test result parsers. In the actual build they enable the task they need only.

    So what we did until now was to maintain based on name the task state very carefully.

    The only thing we can do is to add a new feature for you, a tick box that states, no matter what replicate the task states.


  2. George Lianeris reporter

    Hi Julius,

    That option would be very much appreciated. I thought the 'attempt to maintain task states' checkbox would have dealt with this, but it doesn't work any more (or maybe it never did?)

    For my use case, I'd like that checkbox to be in the template's misc configuration along with the 'Requires server pause' checkbox.

  3. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    So the template to dictate this is a master that will override anything.

    Can be done.


  4. George Lianeris reporter

    Julius, before you totally launch yourself into this, I just would like to clarify:

    Shouldn't this setting do what I need it to do? 'Attempt to maintain task states' I do have it checked, but it's not working.

  5. George Lianeris reporter

    Ok, then this is the bug I'm actually reporting - it stopped syncing the states. I don't know exactly when it stopped, though I recently upgraded from Bamboo 5.12 to I will re-check to make sure I wasn't just seeing things or running the wrong template.

  6. George Lianeris reporter

    Thank you. I can confirm that this feature is broken. The plans which use a specific template are not correctly syncing the task states, even though they are told to do so. This will also cause trouble for the Dynamic Task Switcher.

  7. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    I have tested on my instance and everything works fine, mine is

    Can you try one thing, tick the option, save, untick it then save again.


  8. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    I tested again the features up to version, and cannot find anything wrong.

    Question for you are, you templating the tasks ? The task state is maintained during task replication, so there is a logical dependency between the 2.


  9. George Lianeris reporter

    Hi Julius, sorry for the slowness - dealing with fires daily.

    I have the following options checked:

    • Template Tasks Definition
    • Attempt to maintain task states
    • Merge Job Misc Configuration

    These are checked on my template, and in the actual build plan.

    I'll try to run your hotfix plugin ASAP.

  10. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    on template you dont need to check anything other then ... is a template

    on the child plan remove the attempt to maintain task states.

    make sure your tasks have unique descriptions


  11. George Lianeris reporter

    Hi Julius, this is what I see in the logs:

    WARN [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-9] [LoggingServlet] Found a plan ( GENERICS-CSSHARP-BIO ) that has a template PT-CSHARP-JRS PT-CSHARP WARN [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-9] [LoggingServlet] Tasks size: 9 merge model 1 merge states true merge tasks true merge trigger false merge requirements true WARN [AtlassianEvent::0-BAM::EVENTS:pool-1-thread-9] [LoggingServlet] Final Task List Size: 9

  12. George Lianeris reporter

    I finally figured out what you meant ... 'doh! You're ok to close this.

    I finally understood that 'attempt to maintain task states' means attempt to maintain the states as set in the target build plan. So, not a bug or anything strange after all. Sorry for taking up all this time!

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