Job requirements for disabled tasks are lost after replication

Issue #23 closed
Andrew Nefedkin created an issue
  1. Suppose you have a job in a template with one of it's task in a disabled state. And this task has an implicit requirement (i.e some command). This requirement initially is not present in the template (by Bamboo's design I suppose).
  2. Then in a "templated" plan you enable such a task. The requirement appears on the corresponding tab.
  3. After replication the state of the task is preserved in the enabled state but it's requirement gets lost. This leads to incorrect agent being selected for the plan.

Comments (8)

  1. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    Try to update the addon, I did a small change to copy job requirements.

    Previous version was: requirements = template requirements Now is: requirements = job requirements + template requirements

    Lets see if this solves the issue.


  2. Andrew Nefedkin Account Deactivated reporter

    Thank you.

    This solves the issue. I will continue to investigate this since I suspect there exists a reverse situation. If you disable some task in a templated job it's requirements should not exist. But you will copy them back. Although this one is really a rare case.

    BTW, there is another caveat with explicit requirements but I think this a subject for another separate issue.

  3. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    Hi Andrew,

    I suspect we can have more corner cases, I will do my best to support you.

    Thanks for helping on this one.


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