Template which dependent on other templates is not in sync in first invacation of "Replicate builds"

Issue #27 resolved
Jan Kubalek created an issue


We are trying your plugin and we consider the following (bug?):

I have a problem with "Replicate builds" for chain of templates (template which has dependents in other templates).

Consider the following chain: Let A, B, and C are bamboo jobs in project P. Then we have the following chain A -- > B --> C If I modify task order in A, press "Replicate builds" then only B is updated. If I want update C (for changes in A) I must call "replicate builds" once more.

It will be really nice "Replicate builds" in all descendants, not only in close one. Is there any chance to add this feature to the plugin?

Bests, Jan Kubalek

Comments (6)

  1. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    Hi Jan,

    I have been thinking to implement this feature for quite a while now, I am also looking at templates governing artifacts but is not very easy, the performance of the system when digging through the build definitions is quite low.

    Let me try to put some effort into it.


  2. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    Hi Jan, I am publishing now a release which should replicate in certain order, attempting to find templates first then do the plans.

  3. Hutuleac Iulius repo owner

    As stated in the EULA, try it first, make sure it fits your needs :)

    Best regards, Julius

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