btaminer ListGroup : display all objects

Issue #2 new
Nickname created an issue


When i use btaminer with "ListGroup" and "--match" options, the output only display user in the specified group :

btaminer -C ::w00t ListGroup --match "Admins du domaine" :

Members of Admins du domaine

Sn0rkYleponey Phil&tOfish

Is it possible to list all objects in the specified group ? (computer, group in Admins du domain group)

Thx for all your work !

Comments (4)

  1. Xavier Mehrenberger


    The ListGroup miner (miners/ should display the following tables for each matching group (only if not empty) :

    • list of member users
    • list of ACE fo each member users
    • list of other objects linked to the group
    • list of empty linked groups

    On a test database, ListGroup displayed member groups correctly.

    Could you send us your test database (privately if necessary) to help us reproduce the issue ?


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