Pole face rotation for bends

Issue #100 resolved
Jochem Snuverink created an issue

Pole face rotations for bends are currently not implemented.

Comments (2)

  1. Jochem Snuverink reporter

    Will tackle this with Will, Laurie and Jochem

    Updated (as of 15-12) Task list:

    [X] parser - Jochem
    [X] BDSComponentFactory look ahead and behind - Jochem
         [X] add a check for prev/next elements to be drifts
         [X] allow prev/next elements to be of same type (rbend/sbend) with same poleface
    [X] angle calculation for sbend/rbends - Will
    [X] Drifts -> CreateDrift() - different constructor - Will
    [ ] Geometry bends
         [ ] RBend -> Laurie
         [X] Sbend -> splits up carefully -> Will
    [ ] Samplers, angled and rotate -> Laurie
    [ ] Careful testing on all geometries
  2. Jochem Snuverink reporter

    This has been implemented, many thanks to Will and Laurie. For any remaining issues, we should open a new issue report.

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