BDSIM command line options and/or simple testing method are not flexible enough

Issue #105 resolved
Jochem Snuverink created an issue

Currently it is not possible to add multiple arguments to the simple_testing function:

simple_testing(IO_ASCII "--file=fodoRing.gmad --output=ascii --batch --circular" "")

Since this is translated into:

bdsim "--file=fodoRing.gmad --output=ascii --batch --circular" 

and this fails with:

main> Using input file : fodoRing.gmad --output=ascii --batch --circular
gmad_parser> Can't open input file fodoRing.gmad --output=ascii --batch --circular

It would be good to allow this since the current behaviour is counterintuitive. Possibly best to fix this either in BDSExecOptions or adapt the simple_testing function, or both.

Comments (1)

  1. Jochem Snuverink reporter

    fixed with commit 2c8fa1d

    cmake test macros have been improved so that the arguments are split and not passed as a single string.

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