All In One Download / Build

Issue #120 resolved
Laurie Nevay created an issue

Would it be possible to have other options for getting BDSIM:

  1. As is - source code for our software only
  2. All in one package with source for dependencies included
  3. Precompiled full version for SL6 and latest MacOSX

Obviously, there would be some work involved in this, but I think it may prove useful in the long run.

We had talked about other technologies as well such as Docker or a virtual machine like package.

When a new user has the correct environment (ie one very similar to our own), it's very trivial to compile and install BDSIM, but without that, it can be quite difficult to get started.

An all in one option, would obviously be considerably larger, but I think this would still be ok given the simplicity in setup.

Comments (6)

  1. Jochem Snuverink

    I think 2 is not so realistic, since it is usually the compilation where it goes wrong. We can certainly do 3, CMake can bundle all libraries in e.g. an apple application. The difficult part is I think the Geant4 physics files and environment, but that should be possible to overcome.

    I think actually this would be most interesting for other Linux versions as on SL6 and MacOSX it is not too difficult imho (unless one doesn't have admin rights).

  2. Jochem Snuverink

    Two useful CMake links:

    We have to decide which type of packages we would like to have (archive, debian, rpm, os x bundle).

    An archive of precompiled libraries (.tgz .dmg) is easily added. Something like an installer is a bit more difficult. Also I haven't found an automatic way of adding dependent libraries, like the geant4 libraries, but these are typically also provided by Geant4 / dependent packages, so those are maybe not needed (apart from providing the correct links).

  3. Jochem Snuverink

    on AFS BDSIM binaries have been added for the latest releases and develop version.

    In CMake several options have been added to tarball / bundle (MacOS) the installation files. Also the dependent libraries can be copied. This will be tested on the next release version.

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