SegFault with second run in visualiser

Issue #152 resolved
Laurie Nevay created an issue

Running more than one event in the visualiser results in a segfault / bad access with the per element histogram pointer in end of event action.

Happens irrespective of output format and only on second run. Irrespective or seed.

Comments (2)

  1. Jochem Snuverink

    Could this be because

    1. the AnalysisManager is deleted in BDSRunAction::EndOfRunAction()
    2. BDSEventAction keeps a member pointer to the AnalysisManager which is not reset when 1. happens

    If this pointer can change during the execution I think they should not be stored in the class, but recalled every time it is used. The overhead is negligible, and the code will actually be clearer (imo).

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